Friday, January 20, 2006

Let Me Count the Ways

Someone at started a thread on why we love our Ghias. I'm just re-posting here what I wrote there:

* It has magical powers that render expensive, brand-new Porsches invisible when you park next to them.

* It tells me I'm 17 again, driving my '72 Super Beetle around to my friends' houses an hour after passing my driving test while listening to my LL Cool J "Radio" cassette from '85.

* When kids ask me "Hey, is that car fast?" I can say with confidence "Not at all!"

* Your S.O. becomes your 1st Officer as you give orders to coordinate the heat and defrost systems.

* I drive a slow car that looks fast, ski downhill without locking down my heels and ride a mountain bike with no suspension and 1 gear. Difficulty is directly proportionate to fun.

* The electrical system is the simplest part of the car.

* The electrical system is the most complex part of the car.

* If I spy a minivan out the corner of my eye by the time I turn my head it's magically transformed into a Toyota Matrix.

* Middle-aged guys in Hemi-powered Durangos think they're hot s*** when they blast right by you. Golly, he's got way more than 60hp!

* I can drive 1/2 as fast in my Ghia than in my '97 Subaru Impreza along a winding, twisting 2-lane highway and have 10X more fun.

* Posters to's forums honestly believe it when they tell you "It's an easy fix!"


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