Monday, October 24, 2005

A cheap head-turner

My Ghia is currently at the shop getting a checkup and figuring out why it just won't start now. I'm sure it's a plug/wire/distributor issue. That problem, of course, has been exacerbated by generator issues. My generator light has been staying on solid the past few days and I tried a few tricks for cleaning the brushes and troubleshooting it based on the John Muir "Keep Your VW Alive" book but to no avail.

So, I was constantly jumping my car to get it started so I could monkey with the engine.

Before these problems, though, it seemed like the generator light was staying off and only flickering on intermittantly and dimly at that. Last time that happened I went for a drive to charge up the battery and, well, to go for a drive for driving's sake.

I stopped at a gas station and immediately drew the attention of two people walking in front of it. They had big grins on their faces as they pointed at the front end and were obviously enamored by that unique Ghia look.

In the next stall there was a brand new Porsche Carrera (or something like that. They all look so similar these days at first glance to me.) These people who couldn't tear their eyes away from my Ghia barely noticed it.

I couldn't help but feel for the Porsche owner having spent so much more money than me on an invisible car. Sure, that car could smoke mine any day ... not that anyone would notice, though. ;)

Fun read for the day: 1972 Karmann Ghia vs. 1956 Porsche Speedster.

Oh, and here are my and my dad's head turners. First, my '72 coupe:

Dad's '73 vert:


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